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Powering Efficient Batch Transactions on L2 Networks

Multicall3 is a smart contract on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that streamlines transactions. It allows you to bundle multiple calls to various contracts, for both reading and writing data, into a single transaction.

This can be particularly useful when working with decentralized applications that require multiple contract interactions or when batching multiple calls to save on gas costs. To use the Multicall3 contract on IOTA EVM, the Multicall3 contract is deployed at this address: 0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11.

This contract offers significant advantages for optimizing transaction processing on L2 networks, also known as Layer 2 scaling solutions. Here's how Multicall3 enhances efficiency:

  • Reduced Gas Costs: By grouping calls together, Multicall3 minimizes the total gas fees associated with interacting with the blockchain. Gas refers to the computational effort required to execute a transaction on the network.

  • Guaranteed Data Consistency: Multicall3 fetches data from a single block on the blockchain, ensuring that all the information you receive reflects a consistent state. This eliminates discrepancies that might arise from fetching data across separate transactions.

  • Faster Execution Speeds: You no longer need to wait for individual transactions to be confirmed one by one. Multicall3 processes everything efficiently in a single transaction, significantly speeding up the overall process.

  • Simplified Workflows: Multicall3 removes the complexity of worrying about the order in which transactions are processed, eliminating potential issues caused by race conditions. Race conditions occur when multiple transactions compete for resources, and the outcome can depend on the order they are executed.

  • All-or-Nothing Execution: Multicall3 ensures data integrity by functioning on an all-or-nothing basis. This means that either all the calls within the Multicall3 transaction succeed, or none of them do. This prevents partial execution and maintains data consistency.


You can find the ABI of the contract in the Multicall3 website.

Contract Information

Function: aggregate


This function aggregates the results of multiple function calls made to different contracts within a single transaction.

function aggregate(Call[] calldata calls) public payable returns (uint256 blockNumber, bytes[] memory returnData);
Parameter NameDescription
calls (Call[] calldata)An array of Call structs. Each Call struct contains the target contract address (address) and the encoded function call data (bytes).

Return Values:

  • blockNumber (uint256): The block number where the calls were executed.
  • returnData (bytes[] memory): An array of bytes containing the return data from each call.

Function: tryAggregate


This function performs a similar function to aggregate but allows individual calls to fail without halting the entire execution.

function tryAggregate(bool requireSuccess, Call[] calldata calls) public payable returns (Result[] memory returnData);
Parameter NameDescription
requireSuccess (bool)A boolean flag indicating whether all calls must succeed (true) or if failures are allowed (false).
calls (Call[] calldata)An array of Call structs. Each Call struct contains the target contract address (address) and the encoded function call data (bytes).

Return Values:

returnData (Result[] memory): An array of Result structs. Each Result struct contains a bool indicating success (success) and the return data for the corresponding call (bytes returnData).

Function: tryBlockAndAggregate


This function combines features of tryAggregate and retrieves additional block information.

function tryBlockAndAggregate(bool requireSuccess, Call[] calldata calls)
returns (uint256 blockNumber, bytes32 blockHash, Result[] memory returnData);
Parameter NameDescription
requireSuccess (bool)A boolean flag indicating whether all calls must succeed (true) or if failures are allowed (false).
calls (Call[] calldata)An array of Call structs. Each Call struct contains the target contract address (address) and the encoded function call data (bytes).

Return Values:

  • blockNumber (uint256): The block number where the calls were executed.
  • blockHash (bytes32): The hash of the block where the calls were executed.
  • returnData (Result[] memory): An array of Result structs, as defined in tryAggregate.

Function: blockAndAggregate


This function is a simplified version of tryBlockAndAggregate that always requires all calls to succeed.

function blockAndAggregate(Call[] calldata calls)
returns (uint256 blockNumber, bytes32 blockHash, Result[] memory returnData);
Parameter NameDescription
calls (Call[] calldata)An array of Call structs, as defined in aggregate.

Return Values:

  • blockNumber (uint256): The block number where the calls were executed.
  • blockHash (bytes32): The hash of the block where the calls were executed.
  • returnData (Result[] memory): An array of Result structs, as defined in tryAggregate.

Function: aggregate3


This function aggregates calls similar to aggregate but allows specifying whether failures are allowed for each call individually.

function aggregate3(Call3[] calldata calls) public payable returns (Result[] memory returnData);
Parameter NameDescription
calls (Call[] calldata)An array of Call3 structs. Each Call3 struct includes the target contract address (address), a flag indicating if failure is allowed (bool allowFailure), and the encoded function call data (bytes callData).

Return Values:

  • returnData (Result[] memory): An array of Result structs, as defined in tryAggregate.

Function: aggregate3Value


This function aggregates calls with a specified value for each call, allowing sending funds along with the call data. It ensures the total sent value matches the sum of individual call values.

function aggregate3Value(Call3Value[] calldata calls) public payable returns (Result[] memory returnData);
Parameter NameDescription
calls (Call[] calldata)An array of Call3Value structs. Each Call3Value struct includes the target contract address (address), a flag indicating if failure is allowed (bool allowFailure), the value to send along with the call (uint256 value), and the encoded function call data (bytes callData).

Return Values:

  • returnData (Result[] memory): An array of Result structs, as defined in tryAggregate.

Additional Functions

The contract also includes several view functions that retrieve blockchain data without modifying the state:

  • getBlockHash(uint256 blockNumber): Returns the block hash for a given block number.
  • getBlockNumber(): Returns the current block number.
  • getCurrentBlockCoinbase(): Returns the address of the block miner (coinbase).
  • getCurrentBlockDifficulty(): Returns the difficulty of the current block.
  • getCurrentBlockGasLimit(): Returns the gas limit of the current block.
  • getCurrentBlockTimestamp(): Returns


  • Call
struct Call {
address target;
bytes callData;
  • Call3
struct Call3 {
address target;
bool allowFailure;
bytes callData;

  • Call3 Value
struct Call3Value {
address target;
bool allowFailure;
uint256 value;
bytes callData;
  • Result
struct Result {
bool success;
bytes returnData;